Airbnb Host Guide: 5 alternatives to lockboxes and key boxes for remote check-ins


As an Airbnb host (or SuperHost), you’re aware of how essential it is to provide a smooth and hassle-free check-in experience for your guests, even when you're not physically present. Traditionally, hosts have used key boxes or key safes as a cheap, passable solution for remote check-ins. 

Why are lockboxes not a good solution for storing and exchanging keys in 2023?

For the last couple of years, it has become almost standard to see rows of peculiar locks hanging from public infrastructure near apartment buildings on the streets of the United Kingdom. These locks often contain key cards or keys that enable renters to access their apartments. They are also becoming - slowly but surely - illegal.

Local councils are going to war with these little, ugly safes, and hefty fines are starting to appear for attaching them in public spaces. Edinburgh Council is actively removing lockboxes, and the same things start happening in various London boroughs.

Are lock boxes safe to store keys in?

Hosts are also switching to keeping their keys in other places, as key safes prove that they’re notoriously easy to break in (youtube has a whole collection of “instructional” videos showing various techniques). A Google search offers 135,000,000 hits for “how to break into a lock box” many of these are highly sophisticated explainer videos.

Fortunately, there are several alternatives to key boxes that can help make the check-in process more comfortable and secure for you and your guests.

Here are 5 alternatives to key boxes that you can use to store and exchange your keys:

  1. KeyNest

KeyNest is a convenient alternative to key boxes that enables hosts to securely exchange keys and manage remote access for their guests and cleaners. KeyNest's network of partner stores provides 4,000+ secure, convenient, and accessible locations where hosts can drop off keys for their guests to collect. 

KeyNest's portal and mobile app system allows hosts to manage access, receive notifications, and track the keys' movements, ensuring the safety of their property and guests. Using KeyNest eliminates the need for key safes, saves hosts time and money, and provides a more secure solution for remote check-ins.

Pricing: from £5.95 per key collection or £21.95 for monthly unlimited key collections. Click here to explore full pricing.

2. Smart Locks

Smart locks are another alternative to key boxes, offering hosts the ability to control access to their property remotely. With a smart lock, hosts can create unique access codes that can be provided to guests via email or text message. Smart locks also offer additional security features, such as the ability to set schedules and monitor access.

As convenient as smart locks are, they come with a hefty price tag and added costs: installation cost, maintenance cost, and branded spare parts cost. And if you decide to switch to another solution, there’s a rather large removal cost included as well. Plus, if you have a communal door in your building, you won’t be able to install a smart lock there, unless all the other neighbours agree to have it fitted.

Pricing: £200 - £500 for the lock, plus installation cost

3. Meet and Greet

Another alternative to key boxes is to arrange a classic meet and greet with your guests. This involves meeting them at the property and handing over the keys in person. This can be done by someone from your team or a paid freelancer/greeter. While this method may require more time and effort from hosts, it provides an opportunity to meet guests face to face, offer a personal touch, and ensure that they have everything they need for a comfortable stay.

Why is it not a solution for everyone? With meet and greet, you have to be in close communication with the guests about their arrival time and be available at any time (even at night). In case of any travel delay, you will end up waiting for the guests for hours. Plus, it’s just an impossible way to check in if you handle more than 3 properties and manage them yourself. 

Pricing: Depending on your commute and waiting time spent, or a per hour price for a freelancer.

4. Keyless Entry Systems

Keyless entry systems are becoming increasingly popular as a secure and convenient alternative to key boxes. These systems typically use a smartphone app or a keypad to allow guests to access the property. Hosts can set up unique access codes for each guest, which can be easily changed or revoked as needed. 

Keyless entry systems offer many benefits, such as eliminating the need for physical keys, reducing the risk of lost or stolen keys, and providing greater control over access to the property.

Why doesn't it work for anyone though? If your property is located in a building with communal access, you won’t be able to install it unless every apartment owner in the building agrees to have it done as well. Plus, the installation and maintenance costs are significant.

Pricing: £150-£300 + installation cost

5. Hide-a-Key 

Hiding a key somewhere near the door is another (very dangerous) alternative to key boxes for remote check-ins. This method involves leaving a spare key in a front door vicinity, such as under the trash bin or inside a fake, hollow pebble for guests to pick up upon arrival. It's essential to ensure that the key is well-hidden and secure, as leaving a key in an obvious location can pose a ridiculously high-security risk. Hosts should also provide clear instructions on where to find the key and emphasise the importance of keeping it safe during their stay. 

We would never recommend a hide-a-key method to anyone. Nowadays, this is such a risky and obvious way to lose your house key to a random thief, it’s just absolutely not worth it. 

Pricing: starts at £10, but is it worth risking your property’s safety?

To sum up: key boxes have traditionally been the go-to solution for remote check-ins, but there are several alternatives available that can help make the process more accessible and secure for hosts and guests alike. Whether you choose to use KeyNest, smart locks, or a meet and greet, each solution has its advantages and can be tailored to meet your needs. 

Ultimately, the key to a successful remote check-in is to choose the solution that works best for you and your guests.

About Us

With KeyNest, you can drop off a key at one of our 4,000+ convenient locations, such as local stores or cafes. Guests, cleaners, or contractors will be able to securely retrieve the key from the KeyNest Point (usually open 24/7). 

You'll receive notifications each time the key is picked up and returned, and you can even set custom check-in and check-out times for added convenience. 

KeyNest has an expanding network of locations globally, likely just a few minutes away from your property, visit our website at to learn more.

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