5 myths about key management systems - debunked


Key management systems play a vital role in today’s property security and management. 

However, many myths and misconceptions can lead to costly mistakes. Let’s have a look at five myths about key management systems, debunked with the help of KeyNest, a specialist key management company (that’s us!).

Myth 1: Key management systems are useful only for large companies.

Many professionals tend to mistakenly assume that key management systems are crafted exclusively for enterprises, and that small and medium-sized businesses cannot realistically make full use of them. Here’s where the SMEs have it wrong!

Successful key management can be a challenge, no matter how many keys you manage - even if it’s just a set of 5-10. It is impossible to predict what might happen in unforeseen circumstances.

The simple fact that someone takes the keys from the office without warning can have serious consequences. Imagine you realise the key is missing just as you are about to pick it and go to conduct a property viewing! This can lead to delays and conflicts within the agency’s staff, which can then damage the reputation of the business. It can also simply cause confusion among staff, resulting in lost time and productivity. 

There are several key management solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of small businesses and independent professionals, and one of them is KeyNest Pro.

KeyNest works with a wide range of real estate professionals, from small agencies to large property management companies. 

Myth 2: Key management systems are expensive

While thinking of implementing a key management system, it is normal to imagine that it will cost you an arm and leg, given the expectation of increased security and reliability.

And yes, certain types of systems, such as high-security electronic key cabinets, are often over-the-top expensive in relation to their actual performance. It all adds up: there are installation costs, subscription fees, removal costs and the need to maintain a constant electricity and wi-fi connection. And that’s a lot!

However, there are some key management services that allow you to handle your keys remotely and securely without breaking the bank.

KeyNest Pro offers various pricing packages, from a Standard package for a smaller high street agency, to an Enterprise pricing for larger organisations. Unlike other products, KeyNest Pro does not require any additional hardware costs - clients can just reuse their existing key cabinets. All you need to start are the new, scannable fobs.

Automated key management systems offer a higher return on investment, as they save time and money in the long run - by reducing locks replacing and maintenance costs. 

On average, our customers save around £5,000 per year by using our service. If a contractor or agent loses an average of 2 to 3 keys per month, the minimum cost to replace the locked and key in London would be between £200-400 per month. 

With KeyNest Pro, you can put an end to this financial worry. What we calculated based on our customer’s experience, if used by a medium-sized agency, the software can pay for itself after just two months of use. 

View our pricing here: https://keynest.com/key-management-software-office#Pricing

Myth 3: Key management systems are not really useful, because keys can be handled manually

One of the main myths associated with key security is that manual key management using Excel or a paper-based register system is more reliable and secure than automated systems. And yes, you could stick to the classic pen and paper, but this traditional method takes considerably longer than using a digital system.

Logging a key with KeyNest Pro takes just 1 second - you just need to tap the fob on the back of your phone. That’s much faster than just opening a spreadsheet!

And here’s one more issue: manual key management often leads to human errors such as forgotten lock combinations or access codes, and unauthorised duplication of keys. This can lead to additional costs for the company and can even compromise the security of its assets and tenants.

Using KeyNest Pro, on the other hand, effectively eliminates these risks through the use of advanced technology. The removal of a key from your office can be registered immediately, using the NFC technology, It works just like a contactless payment - just scan or tap, and done. Your employee needs to just scan the key fob on the chip detection area of the phone to pick up the key. Setting up this system is relatively easy, your staff can be trained to use it in just 10 minutes.

And the best thing? You will get better key traceability and transparency. Your staff can see in real time who has access to keys and when, allowing for better monitoring and security.

Myth 4: Key management systems are easy to hack

Modern key management systems are highly secure through the use of advanced encryption algorithms and secure communication protocols. They are designed to efficiently manage large volumes of keys without compromising performance. 

User interface is user-friendly and the advanced automation features make key management much easier. 

KeyNest Pro app is used to scan keys, and key data is always fully protected - inaccessible to anyone outside your organisation. The fob containing the NFC chip is encrypted, and the key information is saved on our server. This information is made indecipherable to anyone without access.

Myth 5: Key management systems are complicated to install and use

Contrary to the common myth, modern key management systems are not complicated to handle and implement at all.

They are quick and easy to set up, and do not require any special technical skills. Users can easily install and configure them to meet their specific needs.

In case of KeyNest Pro, the first step is to create an account on the app, then register your keys and attach fobs to them (we will help you to do it and even send our KeyNest expert to help you on your first day, if needed). 

In addition, KeyNest has a 24/7 support team available to assist users at all stages of the installation and use process. This support is there to answer any questions, explain the necessary steps and provide technical support when needed to ensure that your team has a smooth and enjoyable experience.

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