Airbnb Host Guide: 5 alternatives to key safes for remote check-ins


Owning or managing a short-term rental property comes with tons of responsibilities - and knowledge. One tip that you have probably learned quite quickly was “Don’t waste time waiting for guests”. Either on the booking platform or in front of the property - however you do it, equals unproductive, lost time.

Letting the guest and cleaner to your property is a must for any host who thinks of scaling their property operations. So, what are the options? One of the most popular ones in the UK is a key safe - a small box that can be attached to the wall to hide a key.

Why are Key Safes No Longer an Ideal Solution for Storing and Exchanging Keys in 2023?

In recent years, the use of key safes for storing and exchanging keys has faced challenges. Local councils in the UK are cracking down on these little storage units, imposing fines for their placement in public spaces. Edinburgh Council and several London boroughs are actively removing lockboxes due to their legal and aesthetic concerns. So, it seems like it’s the end for key safes. So what are some other budget options for key storage and exchange then?

Here are 5 alternatives to key safes that you can use to store and exchange your keys:

  1. KeyNest

KeyNest offers a convenient alternative to traditional key safes, providing Airbnb hosts with a secure method for exchanging keys and managing remote access for guests and cleaners. With a vast network of over 4,000 partner locations, KeyNest enables hosts to conveniently drop off keys for guests to collect from secure and accessible Points (usually local convenience stores, cafes and hotels).

Through KeyNest's portal and mobile app system, hosts have full control over access management, receiving notifications, and tracking key movements, ensuring the safety of their property and guests. By utilising KeyNest, hosts eliminate the need for key safes, saving both time and money while providing a more reliable and secure solution for remote check-ins.

Pricing for KeyNest starts at £5.95 per key collection or £21.95 for monthly unlimited key collections. To explore the complete pricing details, click here.

2. Smart locks

Smart locks are an alternative to key boxes that allow hosts to control property access remotely. They offer features like creating unique access codes and monitoring entry. As great as they seem, they can be expensive, with costs for the lock, installation, and maintenance - especially if you just need to exchange the keys occasionally and vacation rental is not your full-time business. Installation in a communal door requires agreement from all neighbours, which may be impossible at times.

Prices range from £200 to £500 for the lock, plus installation.

3. Meet and Greet

Another alternative to key safe is to arrange a meet and greet with your guests, where you personally meet them at the property to hand over the keys. This can be done by a member of your team or a paid greeter-freelancer. While this method allows for a personal touch and ensures guests have everything they need, it requires more time and effort from hosts.

Of course, this approach may not be suitable for everyone. With a meet and greet, hosts need to closely communicate with guests regarding their arrival time and be available at any hour, including late nights. If there are any travel delays, you may end up waiting for hours. Additionally, if you manage more than three properties on your own, conducting meet and greets becomes impractical - or rather, impossible.

Pricing for meet and greet varies depending on factors such as commute and waiting time or an hourly rate for a hired greeter.

4. Keyless entry systems

Keyless entry systems are a popular and secure alternative to key safes. They allow guests to access the property using a smartphone app, card or keypad, eliminating the need for physical keys.

Keyless entry systems offer several advantages, including increased security, reduced risk of lost or stolen keys, and enhanced control over property access.

However, they may not be suitable for everyone. Just like with a smart lock, if your property is in a building with shared access, installing such a system requires the agreement of all apartment owners. Additionally, the installation and maintenance costs can be significant.

The pricing for keyless entry systems typically ranges from £150 to £300, not including the installation cost.

5. Hide-a-key

Hiding a key near the door is another alternative (though highly dangerous) for remote check-ins. This method involves leaving a spare key in a nearby location, such as under the trash bin or inside a fake hollow pebble, for guests to find upon arrival. However, it is crucial to ensure the key is well-hidden and secure to avoid a significant security risk. Hosts must provide clear instructions and emphasize the importance of keeping the key safe during the guest's stay.

We strongly discourage using this hide-a-key method. Nowadays, it poses a high risk of losing your house key to a potential thief, making it an extremely unsafe choice.

The pricing for a hide-a-key solution starts at £10, but considering the potential risks to your property's safety, it is not worth the cost.

To sum up: key safes have traditionally been the go-to solution for remote check-ins, but there are several alternatives available that can help make the process more accessible and secure for hosts and guests alike. Whether you choose to use KeyNest, smart locks, or a meet and greet, each solution has its advantages and can be tailored to meet your needs.

Ultimately, the key to a successful remote check-in is to choose the solution that works best for you and your guests.

About Us

With KeyNest, you can drop off a key at one of our 4,000+ convenient locations, such as local stores or cafes. Guests, cleaners, or contractors will be able to securely retrieve the key from the KeyNest Point (usually open 24/7). 

You'll receive notifications each time the key is picked up and returned, and you can even set custom check-in and check-out times for added convenience. 

KeyNest has an expanding network of locations globally, likely just a few minutes away from your property, so visit our website at to learn more.