Understanding Airbnb's 2023 Updated Host Cancellation Policy: What You Need to Know


As Airbnb hosts, staying informed about policy changes is essential to providing excellent hospitality while protecting your interests. Airbnb recently introduced updates to its Host Cancellation Policy (click here to view it in all its glory) , set to take effect on Monday, October 9th. In this blog post, we'll break down these changes and explore their implications from a host's perspective.

What's New in Airbnb's Host Cancellation Policy 2023

1. Removal of the $1,000 USD Cap on Fees

Previously, Airbnb had a cap of $1,000 USD on fees for avoidable cancellations by hosts. However, under the updated policy, this cap is being removed. While this might raise some concerns, in its official email to hosts, Airbnb says they expect this change to impact fewer than 2% of cancellations based on current data. How will it really look like - time will tell.

2. Elimination of "Listing Doesn't Fit Guest Needs" as a Valid Reason for Instant Book Cancellation

One of the significant changes is the removal of "The listing doesn't fit the needs of the guests" as a valid reason for hosts to cancel Instant Book reservations without fees or other consequences. Previously, hosts could cancel if they believed their property didn't meet the guest's requirements. Now, this option is no longer available.

There’s still an important exception though : If you have evidence that a guest intends to break your house rules, you can still cancel without facing consequences. (it sounds a bit extreme but yes, this could one day save you, who knows).

Additionally, after a booking is made, if both the host and guest agree that the listing doesn't suit the guest's needs, the host can choose to refund the guest's payment after the guest cancels, or they can contact Airbnb to process the cancellation without consequences.

Implications for Hosts

Now, let's discuss how these changes might impact you as a host:

1. Increased Accountability

The removal of the $1,000 USD cap on fees means that hosts may face higher financial consequences for avoidable cancellations. It's crucial to maintain a reliable booking schedule and communicate effectively with guests to avoid cancellations whenever possible.

2. Enhanced Transparency

With the elimination of the "Listing Doesn't Fit Guest Needs" reason for cancellation, hosts will need to provide more accurate and detailed property information in their listings. This ensures that guests have a clear understanding of what to expect, reducing the likelihood of disagreements upon arrival.

If your listing has a clear, straightforward description - you should be fine. But remember to include any details like: what can’t of guests can’t stay in the property, is any part of the property only accessible via stairs etc.

3. House Rules Enforcement

Hosts now have a clearer path to cancellation without consequences if they can prove that a guest intends to break house rules. This emphasizes the importance of well-defined house rules and open communication with guests about expectations during their stay (deja vu from the point above?).

4. Flexibility for Mutual Agreements

The updated policy allows hosts and guests to come to a mutual agreement if the listing doesn't meet the guest's needs after booking. This flexibility can foster positive guest experiences and maintain your hosting reputation.

About Us

KeyNest offers you a convenient service for storing and exchanging your property keys. You can drop off a key at any of the 5,000+ locations in our network, so there’s one such Point located next to your property already.

Guests, cleaners or contractors can then collect the key securely from a KeyNest Point, which is usually open 24/7. You'll be notified each time the key is picked up or returned, and you can even customize check-in and check-out times.

KeyNest has an ever-expanding global network of locations located just minutes from your property. To find out more, visit our website.

Zuza Chmielewska