Top 5 key log systems for key management at scale


Managing an agency or a large office is no easy task - and even if you have multiple platforms and software helping you, there’s still that one dreadful thing. The key log. The key management system which most of the time just doesn’t work properly, leads to lost keys, blaming colleagues for losing a key to an office or unit… To sum up, it’s just an extremely stressful part of office management.

Depending on your team’s tech skills and confidence, you could use a more traditional (but mistake-prone) or modern key log management system. The list below is not exhaustive, but it covers most of the key log alternatives available in 2022.

  1. KeyNest PRO

For a quick and dependable key log system that doesn’t break the bank, go for KeyNest. 

What is it? 

A mix of key fobs that can be scanned and identified with your phone, a mobile app and web portal. 

How does it work?

Employees install the KeyNest PRO app on ther phones. Whenever they need to pick up a key, they just scan it by touching it against the back of their phone and pick a return time and date in 2 clicks. Information is then updated automatically in the system and everyone is able to see who has the key and when is it due to be returned. In case keys are not returned on time, an automated set of chasing SMS is sent to the key holder. 

Is there a chance to lose a key?

Close to zero. As long as the key has the fob on, you can always scan it and identify it, even if it’s misplaced. And there’s always the info about the key’s whereabouts, available 24/7, from your phone. 

Find out more about the KeyNest key log system: 

2. Key Control Log Book + Key Cabinet

Good ‘ol Key Log Book. A classic for centuries and still quite commonly used in traditional businesses.

What is it?

Quite literally, it’s a notebook used for logging key information. Available for £5 and easy to implement right away.

How does it work?

The Key Log Book has a set of printed tables, and allows mentioning the name of a person, key number, date of issue, time of issue along the signature of the individual who took the key.

Is there a chance to lose a key?

Since the key control log book has to be updated manually each time a key is taken, in many cases it’s not done on time. Real Estate agents or receptionists, rushing for viewing or attending a guest, often just don’t have the time to log key info there and then. This leads to breaks in documentation and keys being lost. In many cases, keys are “somewhere” and nobody knows who has them - lack of credibility is common with this key log type.

2. Mechanical key log systems

Peg-in-peg-out boards that keep track of who has keys and items until they have been returned.

What is it?

Designed and built to provide secure, quick access to your business keys and equipment, mechanical systems are intended to make it easier for you to manage them.

How does it work?

All authorised users are issued with personalised "access pegs" so that removing keys from the cabinet reveals their identity immediately

Is there a chance to lose a key?

Chance is high, all it takes is to lose a personal peg (which is small in size), and you won’t be able to access and mark the key spot. Also, a key can just slide off the peg.


4. Mechanical lockers with digital locks

These small item lockers are designed to help overcome the risk of loss or theft, health & safety issues, and finding safe storage points while providing an easy, safe solution for key drop-offs.

What is it?

It’s basically a set of small, individual safes. Each digital keypad lock on the door has a shared-use function so that a single-use code can be used to lock and unlock keys securely inside, allowing for key drop off and collection without a key.

Using these systems, organisations can eliminate human interaction, expand their out-of-hours key storage capacity, and reduce customer wait times.

Is there a chance to lose a key?

In case of loss of power, the locker may not work - and keys may be misplaced during the downtime.


5. Block system 

The block system is usually used in car dealerships - it allows for simple vehicle identification and key tagging. 

It’s one of the easiest ways to log a number of keys and corresponding vehicles, however, it includes no tracking and no information about the staff member who took the key - hence leading to misplacing keys and lack of responsibility among key handlers.

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