House Swapping in Scotland: Unravelling the Impact of the New Licensing Law


House swapping has been a beloved way for travellers to experience new destinations while keeping accommodation costs in check. However, the recent short-term letting legislation implemented by the Scottish government has brought forth concerns among homeowners who engage in this non-commercial activity.

Under the SNP's plans, house swappers in Scotland must now register with their local authority, pay an annual fee, and comply with various safety assessments. With such strict new requirements, how this situation might impact the practice of house swapping for holiday purposes?

The House Swap Licensing Requirements:

Under the new law, anyone wishing to exchange homes for a holiday in Scotland must register with their local authority, even though no money changes hands in this non-commercial arrangement.

This registration process includes paying an annual fee and carrying out several safety assessments, including portable appliance testing, a risk assessment for legionnaires' disease, and a fire safety risk assessment.


Effects on House Swappers:

The purpose of the law is to make short-term stays safer and better monitored (well… in theory). But, obviously, this might cause some serious problems for house swappers. People who want a weekend or one-week vacation would definitely be put off by the extra paperwork and expenses needed for the license. For most, it just won’t make financial sense to even apply for the license.

Since house swapping is often chosen as an affordable accommodation option for travellers, introducing fees and assessments might undermine its appeal altogether. But will it? Only time will tell.

Real-Life Obstacles:

The safety tests required by the new law, like checking electrical appliances and evaluating risks for diseases and fires, are standard for businesses renting short-term spaces commercially.

However, applying these tests to short-term house swaps might not be very practical. House swaps involve a fair exchange of private homes, and some of the risks linked to commercial rentals may not be as significant in these mutual arrangements.

About Us:

Are you familiar with KeyNest? If you're a Scotland-based landlord or host seeking an efficient and cost-effective solution for key management and check-ins, consider trying KeyNest Points. It’s a popular way for house-swappers to pass keys to guests too!

By entrusting your keys to KeyNest, your guests, cleaners, or contractors can securely retrieve them from any of our 4,000 points, typically located in local stores or cafes. Each time the key is picked up or returned, you'll receive a notification, ensuring you stay informed about the access to your property.

Additionally, KeyNest allows you to set custom times for check-ins and check-outs, making the process more convenient for both you and your guests.

With an extensive network of points in Scotland, you'll likely find one just a few minutes away from your property. Discover more about our services at

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