Airbnb host guide: Regulations in Newcastle Upon Tyne


Newcastle, UK, a city brimming with rich history, captivating architecture, and a thriving cultural scene, has become a sought-after destination for tourists from around the world. Whether it's the iconic Tyne Bridge, the vibrant Quayside, or the renowned Newcastle United Football Club, this dynamic city offers a host of attractions that draw visitors year-round.

With several important annual events that bring in a surge of tourists and the city's growing popularity as a holiday destination, it's no wonder that short-term rentals have gained significant momentum in Newcastle.

The State of the Short-Term Rentals Market in Newcastle:

Before delving into the regulations, let's take a quick look at the current state of the short-term rentals market in Newcastle.

Airbtcs reports a flourishing Airbnb market in Newcastle, boasting a substantial number of 302 available listings for travelers. Within this selection, approximately 54% consist of complete houses, offering a potential monthly income of up to £2,496. The average occupancy rate stands at 47%, suggesting a robust demand for short-term rentals in the area.

Airbtcs reports a thriving Airbnb market in which travelers have access to a total of 302 listings. Approximately 54% of these listings consist of entire houses, which can generate a potential monthly income of £2,496. The average occupancy rate in Newcastle stands at 47%, highlighting a strong demand for short-term rentals.

Exploring Airbnb Regulations in Newcastle:

If you're planning to become an Airbnb host in Newcastle, it's super important to get to know the local rules and regulations. Following these guidelines will not only make your hosting experience smoother but also help keep the city's tourism industry in good shape.

Here's what you need to know:

Planning Permission:

Before listing your property on Airbnb, it’s important to check whether your property requires planning permission for short-term rentals. In some areas, the local council may have specific regulations in place, particularly for properties located within conservation areas or designated as Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). Familiarise yourself with the specific requirements to avoid any potential legal complications.

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are a must when it comes to new constructions, sales, and rentals of properties. However, if you're renting out a holiday accommodation for less than 4 months a year or under a license, you don't need an EPC. In Newcastle, it's necessary to pay Council tax. If you have a property with five or more people who aren't related and share amenities like a kitchen or bathroom, you'll need to get an HMO license. Read more here.

Safety Regulations:

As a responsible host, keeping your guests safe should be your top priority. Make sure your place follows safety standards like having fire safety measures, proper electrical certifications, and gas safety inspections. Don't forget to install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors—they're a must! And provide clear instructions on how to find emergency exits and give your guests the necessary contact info in case they need help with anything. Safety first, always!

Taxation and Insurance:

As an Airbnb host, it's essential to have a solid grasp of your tax responsibilities. Make it a priority to accurately report your rental income and seek guidance from a qualified tax professional to ensure compliance with local tax regulations. Additionally, consider acquiring appropriate insurance coverage, such as short-term rental insurance, to safeguard your property and mitigate potential risks. Taking these proactive steps will help you navigate the financial aspects of hosting and protect your investment.

Noise and Neighbourly Conduct:

Maintaining a harmonious living environment relies on showing respect for your neighbours. Keep noise levels in mind, especially during late hours, and make sure your guests are aware of local regulations regarding noise and conduct.

Set clear guidelines for your guests and promote open communication to address any concerns quickly and efficiently. By prioritising respectful behavior and effective communication, you can foster a positive hosting experience for everyone involved.

Waste Management:

Maintaining a clean and attractive neighbourhood hinges on proper waste management. Take the time to familiarise yourself with the local waste disposal guidelines and ensure your guests are aware of them. Encourage responsible waste disposal practices and make it easy for them by providing the necessary facilities.

By emphasising the importance of proper waste management, you can contribute to a cleaner and more visually appealing environment for everyone in the neighbourhood.

Does the 90-day rental rule apply to properties in Newcastle?

Fortunately for hosts in Newcastle, the 90-day rental rule, which limits the number of days a property can be rented out on a short-term basis, does not apply in this city.

It's important to note that the 90-day rental rule is specific to London and does not extend to other areas, including Newcastle. As a host in Newcastle, you have the flexibility to rent out your property on Airbnb throughout the year without any restrictions related to a maximum number of days. This allows hosts to take full advantage of the city's tourism potential and cater to the varying needs of guests throughout the year.

Should I pay business rates on my short-term property in Newcastle?

Starting from 1 April 2023, whether you need to pay business rates on your short-term property in Newcastle will depend on the availability and actual occupancy of your property. If your property is located in England, it will be assessed as a self-catering property and subject to business rates if it meets the following criteria:

  • It is available for short periods for a total of at least 140 nights in the current and previous tax years.

  • It is actually let for a minimum of 70 nights in the last 12 months.

These rules determine whether your property qualifies for business rates. It's important to consider these criteria and assess your property's eligibility accordingly. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding business rates on short-term properties in Newcastle, I recommend reaching out to a qualified tax professional or contacting the local authorities for specific guidance based on your situation.

About Us:

If you're a landlord or host in Newcastle and you're looking for a convenient and time-saving solution for key management and check-ins, give KeyNest Points a try!

With KeyNest, you can securely drop off your keys at any of our 4,000 points, typically located in local stores or cafes. This way, guests, cleaners, or contractors can easily retrieve the key when needed. Every time the key is picked up or returned, you'll receive a notification, keeping you in the loop.

To streamline the check-in and check-out process, you have the flexibility to set custom times that work best for you. Plus, with our extensive network of points in Newcastle, you'll likely find one just a few minutes away from your property.

Discover the convenience of KeyNest Points for key management and check-ins in Newcastle by visiting our website at

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