Airbnb Host Guide 2024: How to Find the Perfect Co-Host for Your Short Term Rental


As an Airbnb host, juggling bookings, cleaning, and guest communication can sometimes become overwhelming. That's where a co-host comes in, an ally who can lighten your workload and enhance the overall guest experience. But finding the right person for this role can be a challenge. 

How to choose the perfect co-host? How and how much should you pay a co-host? And most importantly, how to find one?

In this article, we'll explore these questions and provide practical tips to help you find the perfect co-host for your Airbnb. 

What’s a co-host?

A co-host assists you in managing a listing on a rental platform like Airbnb in exchange for a percentage of the benefits.

For compensation, the co-host takes on various tasks such as guest communication, property cleaning between stays, reservation management, and addressing any issues that may arise during guest stays. This compensation typically corresponds to a percentage of the listing's revenue.

What are the potential responsibilities of a co-host?

Here's a list of tasks a co-host can handle for you, ranging from minor responsibilities to the overall management of your entire rental and listing:

  • Bookings management

  • Listing optimization (title, description, photos, staging, pricing, etc.)

  • Guest communication

  • Airbnb inspection before and after guest stays

  • Check-ins and check-outs

  • Property cleaning and maintenance

  • Accounting tracking

Of course, your co-host's duties may vary and will be adjusted based on your specific needs and property requirements. Before searching for a co-host, it's important to clearly define your needs and requirements. During your search, discuss these points with potential co-hosts to ensure your expectations are aligned. 

Who should I choose as a co-host for my Airbnb rental?

When considering hiring a co-host to assist you in managing your Airbnb rental, several options are available:

Ask a family member:

If you have a family member or a trusted friend willing to become your co-host, this could be the simplest option for you. However, it's important to note that managing an Airbnb is a business activity, and working with family members could lead to relational complications. 

They also may not be experienced and may not provide the same quality of service as a professional.

Hire an experienced Airbnb host:

A practical option offered by Airbnb is the ability to search for and contact experienced co-hosts located near your residence. These co-hosts can bring their expertise since they are already experienced and successful hosts, they can provide various services to assist you in managing your listing.

If you're looking for a co-host capable of handling all tasks related to managing your Airbnb, we recommend opting for an experienced co-host. These professionals will leverage their expertise to maximize your earnings. However, if you just want a little assistance and want to maintain some autonomy, a family member might be the best option for you.

How and how much to pay a co-host?

The method and amount of payment for a co-host generally depend on the arrangements agreed upon between you and the chosen co-host.

Co-hosts can take a fixed amount per booking or a percentage of the total booking amount per stay. This percentage typically ranges between 10% and 20%. However, this figure may vary depending on several factors, including the range of services provided by the co-host, the location of your property, and the specific agreements you establish together.

You can share the payments received from Airbnb bookings with the co-host directly through the Airbnb app. To learn more about how co-host payments work, you can refer to Airbnb's Help Center article on the subject.

How to find a co-host?

Use Airbnb's platform for experienced co-hosts:

Airbnb has a platform that connects Airbnb owners with experienced co-hosts. This platform allows you to search for potential co-hosts near your property location and view their profiles. Co-hosts on this platform all have an average rating of 4.8 or higher from Airbnb guests, and you'll have the opportunity to ask them any questions you may have.

Social media:

Feel free to use social media, especially Facebook groups related to Airbnb hosting, to find a co-host. In these groups, you can post about your search for a co-host or search for recommendations from other hosts. 

You can visit our article “10 Essential Facebook Groups and Forums Every Airbnb Host Should Join” to find great Facebook groups for your co-host search.

Many people already regularly post in these groups offering their co-hosting services, so you should easily find a volunteer! 

How can I make sure the co-host is trustworthy and reliable before I hire them?

Check their references and reviews:

When considering potential co-hosts, whether found through the Airbnb platform, recommended by acquaintances, or identified through Facebook groups, it's essential to check their references.

Review the feedback from other hosts they've worked with and the comments from guests on Airbnb listings they've managed. This will give you insight into their reliability, professionalism, and the quality of their service.

Interview potential co-hosts:

Once you have a list of potential candidates, schedule interviews to get to know them better and assess if they fit your expectations. During these interviews, discuss in detail the responsibilities you want the co-host to assume. Clarify the tasks they will need to perform, their availability, expected compensation, and any other important conditions.

Feel free to ask about their experience as a co-host, their ability to handle guest interactions and potential issues, as well as their approach to communication with you and clients. This will give you an idea of the person you might potentially work with and see if they would be a good fit for you.

Here are some questions you can ask them during the interview:

  • Can you tell me about your experience as a co-host and the types of properties you've managed in the past?

  • How do you handle emergencies or potential issues with guests?

  • What are your usual availabilities for managing bookings, check-ins, and check-outs?

  • How do you plan to communicate with me and provide updates on the status of things?

  • How do you set your rates and manage booking requests and cancellations?

  • Do you have any particular skills or certifications that could be useful in managing my property?

  • How do you plan to ensure the cleanliness and general maintenance of the property between guest stays?

I believe I've found my co-host, what should I do now?

Draft a co-hosting contract:

It's always best to have a written and signed agreement with your co-host. In the contract, detail the co-host's responsibilities, how they will be compensated for their services, estimated expenses, and any other obligations.

This contract will provide a clear agreement and help you define roles and responsibilities precisely while ensuring both parties are accountable for their commitments.

Trial Period:

We recommend starting your partnership with the co-host with a trial period (which you can mention in the co-hosting contract).

Starting with a trial period is an excellent way to assess the co-host's compatibility with the role and see how they handle responsibilities. During this period, you can closely observe how the co-host interacts with guests, handles requests, interacts with you, and resolves any potential issues.

This period will help you determine if they are well-suited to your needs and meet your requirements and expectations in terms of professionalism, efficiency, and communication.

How to Add a Co-Host to my Airbnb Listing:

  1. Click Listings and select the listing you want to edit

  2. Under Listing editor, click Your space

  3. Click Co-Hosts and then click Invite a friend or find someone to help you host

  4. Click Find someone to help

  5. Search available Co-Hosts and review your choices

  6. Select a Co-Host and click Contact

  7. Click Connect and write a short description of your hosting needs

  8. Click Send

About Us

KeyNest offers you a convenient service for storing and exchanging your property keys. You can drop off a key at any of the 5,000+ locations in our network, so there’s one such Point located next to your property already.

Guests, cleaners or contractors can then collect the key securely from a KeyNest Point, which is usually open 24/7. You'll be notified each time the key is picked up or returned, and you can even customize check-in and check-out times.

KeyNest has an ever-expanding global network of locations located just minutes from your property. To find out more, visit our website.

Emma Leon