Guide: how to use KeyNest & Locky lockers in Portugal


Exciting news! KeyNest is expanding its key exchange services in Portugal to include automated lockers. Through our partnership with Locky, a network of innovative electronic lockers in partnership with CTT, Portugal's official postal service, you can now conveniently exchange keys with guests and contractors using KeyNest's secure 6-digit code at any time. 

These lockers are available 24/7, eliminating the need to coordinate schedules with your guests or contractors. KeyNest's new lockers provide a secure and convenient solution for exchanging keys or other items.

How to use lockers to exchange keys with KeyNest?

Firstly, visit our map and find your nearby locker or Point. If there’s none available near your property, you can request one to be set up for you (free of charge). Just contact us through the form available on the map page.

  1. Drop-off your keys in a nearby locker

An example of a Locky locker on a KeyNest map - view more at the website here:

Pick a plan for your key - with Pay as You Go, you pay for each key collection. Monthly plan will allow you to collect a key multiple times for the same, set price.

After registering a key in your KeyNest profile, you will automatically create your access tools for the Locky locker.

You will receive a drop-off code for you to open the locker and deposit a key, and then a collection code, to share with your guest. 

  • The Drop-off Code will be used by yourself (or someone from your staff) - you will just need to open the locker and put the keys inside it.

  • The Collection Code is an access code used by your guest to open the locker and collect the key

2. Share key collection instructions with the guest or contractor

That’s when you should share it with the guest, to let them know that the key is available and ready to pick up at specific times on the check-in date.

3. Guest checks out

To check out, the guest takes the key back to the locker with a 6 digit drop-off code you generate on your account.

4. Unwind, relax and repeat….

You will receive a notification whenever your keys are collected or dropped off in a locker. You can track it all via the KeyNest app.


And what to do once you’re at the locker? Here’s a step by step guide to using Locky:

Once you reach the locker location, you will be greeted by this screen:

Click anywhere on the screen to be directed to the next step and choose a service:

If you need to collect a key, choose “LEVANTAMENTO”. If you are dropping off the key, choose “ENVIAR/DEVOLVER”.

Key collection process:

After choosing “LEVANTAMENTO”, you will see the screen asking to insert the collection code:

Insert the collection code (found in the email/Magic Link sent by the host or property owner, click the “tick” and the door to the locker will open:

Once confirmed that the collection code is correct, the locker door will open and the screen will display the location of the door.

Collect your key and close the door. The following screen will appear, and it’s done!

Key Drop-Off Process

On the screen, click “ENVIAR/DEVOLVER”. You will be redirected to a screen with a QR code, in which you hould choose “ENVIAR/DEVOLVER” again:

After choosing "ENVIAR/DEVOLVER” , there will be a space on the screen to type in your reservation code:

The next screen will display different box sizes and how many boxes of each size are available. Please click on the smallest available size (S):

 A door of the locker will open to drop-off the key. Please put the key inside it and close the door. After closing the locker’s door, the system will ask if you have dropped your keys already. This is how the screen looks like:

Make sure to click “CONCLUIR ENCOMENDA” on the screen. This is extremely important: without this step, the key won’t be correctly deposited. Once done, the final screen with confirmation will appear and the process is done:

Zuza Chmielewska